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iPhone speaker not working? Here’s the real fix!

By : Jovita Gomes   /  

Have you just made a call to someone and they can't hear you? Or are you struggling to hear them? You want to play your music out load but hear no sound? Or maybe you're not being made aware of notifications you are receiving by hearing that little ping? Whatever the issue, you will want to fix your iPhone speaker as soon as possible.

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This is a common problem that has been reported by Apple iPhone users, so take comfort in the fact that you are not the only one. Many would assume this will require a hardware repair, however, this can easily be software related issue, which can be fixed at home quickly.

Take a look at our helpful guide with some tips and tricks on how to fix common speaker problems and if this does not solve your case, our expert technicians can take a look at this for you in-store.

Why is my iPhone Speaker not working?

When the speaker on your iPhone fails, this can be a difficult situation and can affect multiple features you use on your device daily. Communication and listening to your music can suddenly become a big problem. But, this is something that can be solved easily. If your speaker has suddenly refused to play sounds and you are not able to hear anyone through your earpiece, there could be two reasons why this has occurred;

  • Your iPhone may be stuck in the headphones mode and it doesn't recognise that you've unplugged your headphones.
  • Water in iPhone speaker may have caused water damage.
  • There could be an issue with the hardware which is causing this problem.

So rest assured - if you follow our tips, hopefully, your speaker should be making a sound in no time! If our tips on how to fix your iPhone speaker don't solve your issue, it may be time to visit our team in store.

How to fix a broken iPhone speaker

Restart your iPhone

Your iPhone may just need a simple reset! This is one of the best cures in fixing any iOS speaker related issues.

Update your iOS to the latest version

Always make sure that your device has the latest iOS update installed. When updating iOS software and resetting your phone, make sure that all your data is backed up to either iTunes or iCloud. Connect your phone to iTunes, search your device then click Restore.

Once your data has been backed up, hold down the sleep button and slide to power off, use the same process to turn your device back on. Once your phone has switched back on, test the mute button and speaker to see if this has solved your issue.

Test all sound features

If you are hearing distorted sounds or no sound at all, your volume and ringer & alerts feature could be turned down or off. To test your speaker:

  • Settings > Sounds (or Settings> Sounds & Haptics) > Drag ringer and alerts slider back and forth.
  • If you can’t hear any sounds, or if your speaker button appears to dimmed, your speaker may need to serviced.

Another method you could try is inspecting the silent mode. This is located at the top of your device on the left-hand side. Move the switch forward and backward, move forward so you can see the orange showing - this indicates that sounds and ringers are active.

Open settings, scroll down to Do Not Disturb and check that this mode is off - this could be another simple reason why you could be hearing no sound.

Clean your speakers

Your iPhone can attract dirt and moisture over time, especially in the small gaps and holes at the bottom of your device!

This is another common issue with the speaker's functionality as small particles e.g. dirt and grime, can easily find their way into small holes where your speaker is located.

But, this can also be easily solved with a little light cleaning. To clean the speakers, grab a cotton bud, splash some Isopropyl Alcohol lightly on the bud and swiftly clean out the speakers and then wait a couple of minutes for it to dry and then test your speaker using all methods mentioned in the previous tip.

Another handy tip is blowing into the speakers with a can of compressed air. This can help to clean out any dirt that has found its way into the speaker.

iPhone Speaker Repair Near Me

If you have tried all the tips above and this has still not solved the issue, it is definitely time to visit our expert technicians in store. Book a repair appointment today with our team who can assess your speaker's functionality and carry out an iPhone repair if required. Our repair will also come with a warranty, so you wouldn't need to worry if the problem persists in the future.

Note: Check if you are also still within your Apple warranty, as they may be able to solve this issue for you. If you are within your warranty the repair may be free of charge, however, if your warranty has ended, there's an additional fee.

Still not working? Our expert technicians can help

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How much is an iPhone speaker repair at iSmash?

Here at iSmash, our expert technicians are trained to repair your device to a high quality with a quick turnaround so you are not left without your device for too long!

We would firstly carry out an initial inspection of your device, during which our team may suggest booking in your iPhone for an audio issue diagnostics. This is a standard fee of £20 and the process can take up to 48 hours.

This will determine the causes to the issues you are experiencing, and once it’s completed our team will then quote you on the cost of repair. Take a look at our speaker repair price list for the different iPhone models below:

iPhone Speaker Repair Cost:

Check out our prices for an iPhone speaker repair below;

  • iPhone 4/4s - £29.99
  • iPhone 5/5s/SE- £29.99
  • iPhone 6/6 Plus- £39.99
  • iPhone 6s/Plus 7/7 Plus- £49.99
  • iPhone 8/Plus/X- £59.99


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